The next meeting from the initiative “European debates”, organized by the Bulgarian School of Politics and the EC Representation in Bulgaria, took place on 09th March. At the beginning, Zinaida Zlatanova, Head of the Representation, welcomed the participants and explained how the idea for this initiative was born. The special guest – Tomislav Donchev, Minister in charge of EU funds management, shared the governmental ideas about the priorities in the cohesion policy for the next budget period. As his personal ambition, he said that it is not sufficient just to observe the debate into the European Union about the cohesion policy but to actively participate in it, so as Bulgaria to be able to protect its interests and positions.

The questions asked by the participants were related to geographical focus of the cohesion policy, what the governmental policy regarding internal regional cohesion is and how to overcome differences between the planning regions. During his presentation “Governmental policy for deinstitutionalization of children in Republic of Bulgaria”, Tomislav Donchev focused on two aspects – from one side, what the problems to deinstitutionalization and the challenges for governmental policy in this area are, and what the house policy for socially disadvantaged people should be – on the other. He paid particular attention to the problem how EU funds could be used for financing the reforms and developing new policies in this area.

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