Children from St. Pantelejmon Social Institution for Children with Disabilities in Vidrare village, supported by Class 2010, showed what they have learnt during their art-therapy sessions


On 19th February the children from St. Pantelejmon Social Institution for Children with Disabilities in Vidrare village performed “Djadovata rakavichka” play and had a concert. Special guests were the mayor of Pravets Mr. Rumen Guninski, the mayor of Vidrare village Ms Miglena Dimitrova, representatives from the Class 2010 and the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”.

The children showed what skills they have developed and what progress they have made as a result of their art-therapy guided by Ass. Prof. Penka Shapkova and her students from the Special Pedagogy Department of the Sofia University. The focus of the last series of sessions was on music- and drama-therapy, which built on the children’s skills developed in the previous months.

After the performance, the young actors from the care institution received sweets and celebrated their progress with the guests.

For a second year the Class 2010 has been supporting the children from the Social Institution for Children with Disabilities in Vidrare by realization of a therapeutic programme for the children while also helping for their socialization. The initiative of the Alumni has been supported by the Bonita Trust throughout the project ”Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions”, implemented by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”.

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