School Alumni continue their support to the children from the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad


The children from the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad themselves painted Easter eggs and coloured small clay figures for the feast. They participated in art-therapy sessions and with big enthusiasm learned on how to “engrave” Easter eggs according to the traditional for Velingrad and the region technique. Following the tradition, the children from the Centre celebrated the Easter with eggs, Easter cake and special dishes.

The art-therapy sessions with the children from the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad are organized within the project ”Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions” funded through the Bonita Trust.

For five year graduates from different classes of the BSoP “Dimitry Panitza” have worked with the children from the Centre in Velingrad and supported policies for their social integration. Different organizations at local level, the municipality, businesses, as well as students from the local schools and members of the local “Junior Achievement” club have also been involved in different activities.

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