“Inspired Philanthropy – How to Involve Others and Leave a Legacy” is the topic of the conference organized by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”, along with the Bulgarian Donors’ Forum. The event will take place on 1st October at the Rasisson Blu Grand Hotel, Sofia.
The goal is to discuss different ideas and practices for promoting philanthropy in Bulgaria, as well as how to more effectively involve society in communication about deinstitutionalization and socialization of children from institutions. Among the key speakers will be representatives of non-profit sector, media, individual givers and governmental institutions. Members of Parliament, corporate givers, NGOs working in the field, and BSoP alumni will take part in the event.
Tracy Gary’s book “Inspired Philanthropy – Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Giving Plan and Leaving a Legacy”, published by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”, is also to be presented at the conference. The book provides useful tips and advice on how to give in a more effective way.
The event is organized under the projects “Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions”, supported through the Bonita Trust, and “Promoting Philanthropic Culture in Bulgaria”, funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
To register for the conference, please contact the School’s team.