Representatives of Different Classes of BSoP Participated in a New Series of Trainings for Alumni


The second series of trainings organized for the Alumni of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” was assessed as very successful. The trainings were held on 16 and 17 November and 20 Alumni took part in them. The lecturer of the training entitled “Communication of Philanthropic Causes in Social Media “ was Ms. Justin Toms, who is a leading expert in the field of online communication, author of 11 books on the topic and the creator of the BG Site competition. The lecturer of the training entitled “Skills for Political Debating” was Mr. Miroslav Mavrov – a vice-chair of the Debates Association, trainer in debates at the Technical University and a member of the International Debate & Education Association (IDEA).

During the trainings, the participants deepened their knowledge about opportunities for and challenges in front of the online presence of philanthropic causes, how to effectively use social media for presenting such causes, how to build a strategy for successful online presence, what the forms of debates are, what the political debate is, and had an opportunity to participate in British and American types of political debates on pressing public topics. The trainings were part of the projects “Promoting Philanthropic Culture in Bulgaria 2012-2014”, financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and “Linking Expertise of Civil Society, Businesses, Academia and Young Political Leaders”, financed by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.

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