BSoP Alumni were trained how to create successful partnerships on philanthropic causes


Representatives from different cohorts of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” were trained how to effectively create networks of supporters and to develop successful partnerships on philanthropic causes. The training was on 23 April and the trainer was Iva Koleva, who is the creator of the Idea in Action Foundation and initiator of the Caps in Action Campaign. 

During the training, the participants were introduced to the basic principles of creation of effective networks, why it is important to work in networks and which the five key elements of establishing a successful partnership are. Iva Koleva presented the experience of her foundation and its main initiative – Caps in Action, as well as the practices of other organisaions from Bulgaria and abroad. In the practical sessions, the participants exercised how to present within 3 minutes the cause on which they work, as to grab the interest of potential partners, and worked in peers on preparation of a short presentation of a mock cause in front of potential partners and adherents. 

The training ” Bound into networks or how to create effective partnerships on philanthropic causes” was within the project “Inspiring Others, Generating Change and Transforming Society – Philanthropy as a Core Value of the Leaders”, financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

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