Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions



In the Project, representatives of the School Alumni work with the children from the Centers for Foster Care in Velingrad, Nezabravka Orphanage in Stara Zagora and the Care Home for Children with Disabilities “St. Pantelejmon” in the village of Vidrare, Pravets municipality. Taking into account the specifics of each institution, Alumni representatives support inclusion of children within local communities, provide conditions for their professional training, look for forms of development of their skills and abilities, involve different partners, among which local authorities, business, non-governmental organisatiosn, students, pupils, etc, in the process.

The Project combines the experience accumulated throughout the activities with social institutions with the knowledge and skills for the process of policy making which the School provides to its graduates. The Alumni representatives develop and apply models for successful inclusion of children within the society that could be used by other institutions all over the country. They set the campaign model for working with children from institutions aside and propose options for continuous and constant support, actively involve all stakeholders, and focus on the debate for the future and the process of deinstitutionalization. And not least – young political and civic leaders change their attitudes towards philanthropy and charity, and think about them not as a single act of giving but as a value crucial for the society.


Project goals:

  • To support socialization and to present models for social inclusion of children from institutions for temporary placement, children with disabilities and children deprived from parental care.
  • To cease campaign-type initiatives for supporting children and to introduce a systematic approach for their social adaptation.
  • To reestablish philanthropy as a basic value in the present Bulgarian society through charity campaigns organized by the Bulgarian School of Politics and by young politicians graduated its programs.

Project Activities:

  • Discussing policies for integration of children, as well as recommendations and proposals in the process of deinstitutionalization;
  • Holding political debates for the future of institutions and children placed in them;
  • Holding regular meetings between School Alumni and children from the institutions and involving students, pupils, local authorities, local business and non-governmental organizations in different project activities;
  • Supporting different sessions and ateliers where children could develop their skills and acquire work habits;
  • Organizing charity events, such as exhibitions and auctions for selling items made by the children, concerts, visits to puppet shows, etc, that are to enhance socialization of the children.


The project is financed by the Bonita Trust, Gibraltar


Implementation Period

October 2010 – October 2012


Expected Results

  • Supporting the process of social adaptation of children from institutions and forming work and life habits useful for their future development;
  • Ceasing campaign-type initiatives for supporting children;
  • Developing models for social inclusion of children from institutions for temporary placement, children with disabilities and children deprived from parental care;
  • Reaffirming philanthropy as a basic value in the present Bulgarian society.


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