Six experts from the Ukrainian School of Political Studies successfully completed a Training of Trainers


From 1 to 7 December a Training of Trainers for experts of the Ukrainian School of Political Studies took place. It was a joint initiative of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” and the Ukrainian School, and was implemented with the support of the Association of Schools of Political Studies under the auspices of the Council of Europe.

The training was a continuation of the fruitful joint activities between the two countries for transferring the Bulgarian experience and providing support to Ukraine in its transition to democracy. The goals were to disseminate 13-year practice of the Bulgarian School in the area of trainings of political and civic leaders and to methodologically support the Ukrainian School of Political Studies.

In five days, 6 alumni of the Ukrainian School, experts in their fields, were introduced to different aspects of the topics like political parties and political culture, political processes and different methods of public problem analysis. Among the discussed areas were public finances and sector reforms, decentralization and local self-government, as well as the process of EU policy making and challenges which the accession countries face. Lecturers were Prof. Antony Galabov and Assistant Prof. Kiril Avramov from the New Bulgarian University, Prof. Ingrid Shikova from the Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Assistant Prof. Emilia Zankina from the American University in Bulgaria, Guinka Tchavdarova, Executive Director of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, Petko Georgiev, Director of the ProMedia Foundation, Boyan Zahariev, Program Director at the Open Society Institute – Sofia, Lyubomir Datzov – Deputy Finance Minister (2001 – 2009), Juliana Nikolova, Director of the Center for Policy Modernization Foundation, and Ivelin Nikolov, expert in the field of conflict management. As part of the training, the participants had meetings with Ognian Zlatev – Head of the European Commission Representation in Sofia, and Svetoslav Malinov – Member of the European Parliament.

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