Ambassador Delphine Borione: “Admitting the specifics of the cultures and their different socio-economic development is the key to achieving security in the Euro-Mediterranean region”


The approach we need to achieve stability in the region is to take into account not only the traditional aspects of security, but also the specifics of different cultures and challenges ahead the socio-economic development of the Euro-Mediterranean region. This was one of the key messages to the participants of the second international Summer Academy delivered by Ambassador Delphine Borione, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean. She stressed that efforts are needed in several key areas: addressing gender inequalities, especially in the economic sphere; addressing the inequalities in the regional development and ever-widening gap between cosmopolitan cities and smaller population areas; bridging the gap between generations and empowerment of youth in the region. “We need good policies, including the legal framework, implementation mechanisms, transparency and a system for monitoring and evaluation of the results.”

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