During the 2nd meeting of the Philanthropist Club BSoP alumni discussed ideas how to find adherents to the causes they work on


Representatives of different cohorts of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” presented the philanthropic causes they work on and exchanged ideas on how to find adherents for their implementation. They did that during the second meeting of the Philanthropist Club, which took place on 10 September at the School’s office.

A special guest speaker was Iva Koleva – founder of Idea in Action foundation and initiator of Caps in Action campaign. Recently the initiative celebrated its 2nd birthday, successfully found many adherents and recycled 13 tons caps. The goal is the raised funds to be used for purchasing household electrical appliances for centers for family-type accommodation and through this to help children acquire different social skills. Iva Koleva shared her experience with finding and keeping adherents to a cause which could be done through full transparency of the process and clarity how the raised money is spent. She highlighted that usually people support causes which are close to them and that is why it is key to focus on those people when looking for long-term adherents.

The Philanthropist Club is an initiative of the participants in the National Program and alumni of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” who actively work on different giving and volunteering causes. Its aim is to unite young philanthropists, to provide them with a “space” where they could meet, even virtually, discuss common topics and initiatives, share ideas and enrich their own giving practices, as well as look for adherents and inspire others to join them in their causes and initiatives. The Club is being realized within the project “Inspiring Others, Generating Change and Transforming Society – Philanthropy as a Core Value of the Leaders”, financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

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