Everybody can test its knowledge on www.grajdanomer.bg and find out if he knows how the institutions work, what the President, the Prime Minister or Members of The Parliament do; if he understands the mechanism of the judiciary system or how NGO-s are functioning.
After answering the questions you can see not only your results but the right answers to the wrong answered questions. There are 104 questions divided into 5 groups – democratic principles, institutions, and local authorities, rule of law, elections and election code. There is only one correct answer for each question and a fixed time for every test to be finished. If the time runs out, non answered questions are checked wrong.
The guide through these sophisticated topics regarding our constitutional rights and responsibilities is a cute hero called Grajdanko. He plays different roles – a mayor, MP, voter or simply citizen who wants to make decisions and make changes in its life and in the country.
Grajdanko is specially designed for the project by the cartoonist Ivailo Ninov.
The aim of the project is to estimate the level of people’s knowledge about their civil and political rights and to raise awareness about the importance of their active participation in public agenda and decision -making process.
The received empirical data will serve as a base for future projects promoting civil participation and civil education.
The project targets at socially engaged citizens who use the Internet as a primary channel for obtaining information and knowledge. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Council of Europe.