„Europe and I” ( 2016-2017)

,,Europe and I” is a project implemented by the Bulgarian School of Politics ,,Dimitry Panitza”. Its purpose is to raise the awareness and interest of the Bulgarian public towards the role and work of the European parliament.The project is supported by the European parliament and will continue until the end of June 2017. The audience that has been targeted by the project is youngsters between the age of 16 and 29.

The project foresees debates between the members of the European parliament and youths from three Bulgarian universities on subjects like ,,The role of the free media in the European context”, ,,The new technologies and their influence on the life and work of people” as well as ,,Are you ready for a private business”. During the meetings the Bulgarian members of the European parliament will formulate their message in the context of the opportunities and perspectives which the European Union provides for young people.

Bulgarian members of the European parliament will be invited to share their priorities within the BSoP’s National program ,,Governing skills”

A photo competition ,,This is my Europe” will be held at the beginning of spring. A professional jury will evaluate the work of the young photographers and the best pictures will be presented at a special exhibition. 

The final event on the project will be a discussion on “Will I vote at the elections for members of the European parliament and why?”. During this event the MEPs will answer questions raised by young people.

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