Тhis year Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” introduced topics, related to children’s policies in the National Program. The first thematic cycle was dedicated to the state of child rights in Bulgaria and was held on a symbolic date – November 20 – the day of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Guest speakers were Ms. Velina Todorova – a member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child to the UN and Mr. Georgi Bogdanov – Executive Director of National Network for Children.
The panels devoted to children’s policies are implemented within the project “The Voice of Bulgarian children is heard by the policy-makers”, funded by Oak Foundation, and created to enhance the process of formulating and implementing child policies and to support the introduction of good practices in order to resolve current problems.
The main focus of the lecture was the need the policies and the actions of the public authorities to take into account the priority of children’s problems and needs. The speakers reviewed the most important topics and documents that relate the development and the protection of the child rights in Bulgaria, the creation of the Law on Child Protection and other regulations.
A second panel section for children’s policies lies ahead in the second course of the Program, namely “Family policies in Bulgaria.”