With children policies and in particular with children’s justice in Bulgaria started the third course of the National Program “Governing Skills.” The Executive Director of the National Network for Children Georgi Bogdanov, the Sofia District Court Judge Albena Boteva and the Child Justice Expert, Lawyer Ivan Georgiev talked about the problems of children’s justice in Bulgaria and possible ways to solve them.
All three lecturers united around the idea that more humane child justice is needed, which can be achieved through changing the current Anti-Juvenile Delinquency Act, which is 60 years old.
“In this law there are measures that are extremely punitive, punish the children for things that we, elderly, are not sued for,” said Georgi Bogdanov.
After the discussion, the participants divided into groups took the role of judges, lawyers, prosecutors and parents and made a simulation of a lawsuit in which a 15-year-old girl was accused.