Minister Petya Avramova Opened the Second Course of the National Program “Governing Skills”


The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria opened the second course of the National Program “Governing Skills” for Class 2020 of the Bulgarian School of Politics.

To the representatives of 7 political parties, among whom MPs, a deputy minister, a chairman of a municipal council, municipal councilors and civic leaders, Minister Petya Avramova stressed that politics was not as an end in itself but an activity in public interest, which should always be connected to the citizens. “We need to make sure that people live where their heart is and that they can travel,” she stressed.

According to the minister, with the changes in legislation, the implementation of infrastructure projects and the effective management of European programs, the aim is to provide people with a good quality of life everywhere. “For the achievement of this objective under Operational Program “Regions in Growth” 2014-2020 by the end of November this year, 1.5 billion BGN has been paid for projects. 1.6 billion BGN has been provided for the renovation of 39 large and medium-sized Bulgarian cities over the whole period of the program”, said Petya Avramova. “This means renovated cities, streets, parks and squares, cultural and historical monuments; Improved social and educational infrastructure, urban transport, hundreds of public and private buildings are already energy efficient”, said the Minister. Avramova stressed that 21 road sections with a length of over 343 km worth over 295 million BGN were rehabilitated so far, each of these projects being important to the lives of the people in the region.

The trainees asked many questions the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Petya Avramova. They were interested in the stage of construction of Transport Corridor 8, illegal structures in the ghetto, the idea of a new territorial division and more.

The training during the first day of the second course continued with a lecture on the challenges and risks in front of the local authorities in Bulgaria, where lecturer was the Executive Director of NAMRB Silvia Georgieva. Militza Yordanova from the Council of Ministers administration spoke about the opportunities for Bulgarian municipalities because of our EU membership.

A special guest of Class 2020 during this day was the founder of “” website Darin Madjarov.

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