The beginning of 2021 was also the beginning of the new project of the Bulgarian School of Politics (BSoP). We called it “EU COOLture” and it is for young people in Bulgaria. The project will empathize them with European Union policies, will give them information on their role in their future educational and professional development.
Online ateliers, workshops, production of thematic products, recording of several podcasts are just some of the innovative activities through which the participating in “EU COOLture” young people will learn more about resource efficiency and circular economy, education through free movement and exchange in the era of “Covid-19 ”, resources in support of cultural diversity.
The Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” will implement the project in the next ten months, thanks to the support of the European Union. Its activities will be available through online broadcasts, videos, publications and photos and on the special page of “EU COOLture” on “Facebook”.