September 22 was the last training day for Class 2021 of the Bulgarian School of Politics. The forty participants, including MEP, deputies from the 44th National Assembly, mayor, deputy mayor, municipal councilors, representatives of non-governmental organizations, business and others finished their studies at the School with a lecture by Prof. Ingrid Shikova. The EU policy expert and one of the founders of the “European Studies” program at Sofia University spoke to the trainees about the EU decision-making process, introduced them to the Union institutions and the path of a legislative proposal. After the lecture and the discussion following it, the participants took part in a simulation game. Divided into groups and representing different Member States, they had to make a decision by negotiating, and some had to make compromises. With this useful lesson, learned through play, the participants from the current class of BSoP completed their training. The official part was followed by many photos, plans for new meetings and work on the charity cause, which this cohort of the School chose to have as well.
With a lecture by Prof. Ingrid Shikova and many photos Class 2021 completed its training